Friday, August 22, 2014

Day 234- A Scripture Writing First

We have friends who are excited about their new house that is being built. It is getting closer every day.  Soon, they will be putting their floor coverings in (wood floors or carpet).  Right now, there is concrete and wood down and whatever coverings they will put on will go over the wood or concrete. Our friends are committed Christians and want their house "built" on the foundation of God's word.  One way they thought of to symbolize this is to write Scriptures on the concrete/wood before the floor coverings are put down.  They invited my family and I to go and write Scriptures on the floor of their house today.  I've never been invited to do that at someone's house before.  Today, I went and wrote Scripture on the "floor" of my friends' house as my "first."

This was a very fun "first."  I was delighted that they would include my family and I in on this (they'll be writing Scriptures as well).  It was inspiring to talk with our children about the Scriptures they would like to write.  It was a helpful experience for me to think through the different Scriptures you can write in different rooms of the house. I was pretty proud of what I wrote in the laundry room.  I wrote Psalm 51:7- "Wash me and I will be whiter than snow."  I started to write in the restroom, "This too shall pass." That sounds like the best restroom Scripture to me.  I chose not to write that. It is hard to erase a Sharpie. I told Joel that I started to write that and he thought that was really funny.  He thought it was "This two (as in number 2) shall pass."  Oh, the humor of ten-year old boys.

Front door verse; Psalm 100:4

It's a great idea to build our homes on the foundation of God's word. To know that you are literally standing on God's word in your home sounds like an inspiring idea. Every now and then you could remind each other of the verse that you are standing on. All the fads and trends of this world will go away, but God's word stands forever.  It is more important that we know and obey God's word than what gadgets we own, how cool our clothes are, how new our furniture is, or what people think about us.  God's word helps us to know God. What could be more important than that?  Families that love and trust in Jesus are family forever.  Regardless of how much of this world's treasure and recognition we might get, it can't compare with spending eternity with Jesus.  Nothing and/or no one can compare to Him.

I pray God's rich blessings on my friends' in their new home. They have challenged me to think of new ways to get God's word in my heart and home. What verses would you like written on the floors of your home?

Grateful for the truth of the abundant life

3 things I thank God for today
1. Sleep
2. What God's word reveals about God
3. Our eternal home

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