Friday, December 26, 2014

Day 360- An Embankment First

We traveled to see family and celebrate Christmas with them today.  We had a wonderful trip and a delightful Christmas celebration with my parents, siblings, and their children.  It was a joyous occasion for us.

On the way I was thinking about a "first."  We did not have a lot of time to spend searching for and doing a "first."  I have discovered in this year of "firsts" that doing a "first" while traveling in the car with family is not the easiest thing in the world.  It's not real easy to find one while stopping at a fast food place or a gas station. 

We stopped at a gas station and was turning on the ramp to get back on the Interstate when I noticed the tall embankment that led up to an overpass.  I pulled the car over to the side of the ramp and told the children to get out of the car and follow me.  We ran up the embankment and rolled down for my "first."

I can honestly say this is something I've never done before and would not have done if it were not for the year of "firsts."  When I was growing up I spent some time in and around the bayous of South Louisiana where there are a lot of levees.  I've laid down and rolled down plenty of levees before, but never an embankment near the Interstate.  It was rather stimulating to do this in the middle of a 5-6 hour trip.

I was surprised that my children did not know how to roll down a hill.  We are pretty much flatlanders in South Alabama and we don't live near a bayou or river with a levee.  I guess they have never been exposed to the fine art of rolling down a hill.  They watched me to see what I was talking about.  Joel did pretty well but somehow got turned sideways after a few revolutions.  Hannah Grace did well till she hit a wet spot.  They both claimed they rolled over some stickers (one of the hazards of rolling down hills).  When we got back in the vehicle, they were both laughing.  Laura, the photographer for this "first," was laughing pretty hard as well. She may have had the most fun part of the "first."  Both children said it was a lot of fun and it sure broke up the monotony of a long trip.


My brother Dwayne and his family

My Mom with my children
 My sister Darla, my brother Dwayne, and me

Darla with her daughter Nicole, granddaughter Kadence, and my Mom

Mom and Dad

When I finished rolling down the embankment, I was a bit dizzy.  That can  happen to you if you go round and round enough times without stabilizing yourself.  It took a moment to sort of get my bearings.  If I am not careful, I can get a bit dizzy spiritually living in this world.  Even during the time of celebrating our Savior's birth, there is so much materialism, busyness, exchanging of gifts, etc. that I can get a bit dizzy spiritually.  It sure helps in the midst of the celebration to spend some time with Jesus and make sure I am oriented to Him and His purposes for my life. Otherwise, I can get caught up in what people have, what I want, how I look, how people perceive me, how I can get afford more stuff and not give sufficient attention to God's purposes for my life. God created me for Himself and for His glory.  I am most fulfilled and most joyful when I live for Him and His glory.

Here's a Bible verse that helps me a good bit when I get a bit dizzy spiritually.  It is Hebrews 12: 1-2 which says, "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."

When I fix my eyes on Jesus it sure helps me get my bearings spiritually.  If you are feeling a bit dizzy from the holidays, why not spend some time with Jesus and fix your eyes of faith upon Him? The next time you are on a long trip and it gets a bit boring, look for an embankment. A trip down one of those might be just what you need.   

Keeping a steady footing in the abundant life,

3 things I thank God for today
1. The privilege of celebrating Christmas with family
2. Jesus endured the cross
3. Comfortable couches

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